

This is my personal blog, written and maintained by me, Bargav Kondapu. I use it as a medium to share my thoughts across.

I do not run any ads or track any personal information on my site.

I publish most of my content here, before sharing it across other social platforms, in accordance with Indie Web’s POSSE practice. Publish Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, so that I own my data.

Bias and Source of Truth

Content on this website are my personal thoughts and could be biased. They might not align with every one’s opinion. But hey, that’s freedom of speech protected by The First Amendment.

If you find any content on this website offensive, please reach out to me via other platforms and I would be glad to discuss and take it down, if for a reasonable cause.

All content on this website are for informational purpose only. It is not the single source of truth, and do not rely solely on this information. I am just another guy on the internet, please do your own research before following any advice.

I own rights to all my content. It is is licensed under creative commons 4.0. Feel free to use/share my content however you please, as long as you give proper credits and references.

For the content, I referenced from elsewhere, I gave proper credits as well. Let’s not plagiarise and instead build upon one other’s thoughts.

In a nutshell

Please do not sue me. As said before, if you find any part of the website offensive or violating any rules, please reach out to me via other platforms. I would be glad to discuss and make accommodations, if necessary.