
The society we live in,
the beliefs we have,
the relationships we surround ourselves with,
our norms, our dreams, our lives, …

An honest illusion or a deceptive truth? — feeling philosophical.

Note · Nov 7, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

I hate programming

I hate programming

I hate programming

It works!!!!

I love programming

Note · Aug 25, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

That moment, you spend 2 hours of your time researching, how to eat tidy, with a full beard and mustache. 😎

Here are few quick tips for fellow bearded men

  1. Drink using straws or Bottles with narrow necks.
  2. Take smaller bites. Prefer using forks and knifes.
  3. Use napkins. The pocket napkins and moustache curling seem to be the most socially acceptable options.
  4. Say No to junk foods that leave crumbs.
  5. Brush/Comb/ stroke your beard often.

Any additional advices welcome! 😁

Note · Jul 9, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

One that know ‘why’ can figure out a thousand ‘hows’.
One that only know what, needs to be told, ‘how’.

RandomThought inspired from Man’s search for meaning by Viktor Frankl

Note · Jun 6, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

“It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you down. It’s the pebble in your shoe.” - Muhammad Ali

Note · Jun 4, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

Talking about our problems is one of our greatest addictions. Break the habit. Talk about your joys.

Note · Feb 28, 2016 · Permalink · 1min read

This is something everyone must realize.
There is not much truth in the holy books.

Gita, Quran, Bible, …are written from authors point of view. They are not the source of truth.

Note · Oct 11, 2015 · Permalink · 1min read

Society is a strange sanctuary.

A sanctuary where,
Little birds are not allowed to leave their nest, but expected to fly as they are young.
Little does the young birds know, their wings have been tied.
Limitless desires to fly high across, but are confined to fly in limits.
Desperate to stand out, but compelled to fly with the flock.

Note · Sep 14, 2015 · Permalink · 1min read