Interaction · Sep 17, 2017 · 1min read

Fast car

Interaction with an amazing professor of Philosophy, Ms. X, while waiting for pizza.

Me: So, I was reading this book from Simon Sinek, recently and was wondering how, from Napoleon Hill to Simon Sinek, everyone talks about the importance of Defining Your Purpose. Would Love to know your thoughts on it?

X: Yes. Defining your why is the most important step for anything. Relationships, career, organizations, life, …
For example, You can have the fastest car in the world. But if you don’t know where you want to go, you will just be drifting around, going nowhere.
On the other hand, if you know where exactly you want to go, you have a plenty of travel choices i.e. buses, trains and might not even need a car at all.

Me: Wow! That’s one of the finest examples I heard of.

X: Thanks. Many people knew this, in theory, i.e. the importance of knowing why, but often people get lost into the charm of such fast cars that they forget where they wanted to go.

Me (Silent, Took few seconds to process that statement): That’s deep.

Still thinking about it. How many destinations have we missed or forgotten, in the charm of cars? Postponed journeys waiting for that perfect vehicle or time.

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